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Podcast #13 – The future of location-based apps? Checking in with @LawrenCecoburn & @DoubleDutch the build your own location-based startup.

wayne sutton podcast

This week on the Podcast I interviewed Lawrence Coburn (@lawrencecoburn) CEO of Double Dutch and Rate-it-all. During the podcast we discussed the future of location-based apps, why he named his location-based startup “Double Dutch”, the location-based app war and more. Take a look at the questions below and listen to the podcast.


  • Who is Lawrence Coburn and how did you involved in the startup industry?
  • Double Dutch just launched during SXSW, give us the pitch and what was the inital feedback?
  • Is Double Dutch just iPhone only?
  • Why the name Double Dutch, cutting it close to Foursquare?
  • Double Dutch says it’s Great For: Conferences Hotels Universities: What’s Double Dutch idea client and who’s using it now?
  • Will Double Dutch work with clients to help make their “double dutch” location based social network successful marketing wise or are you just selling the platform?
  • How does Double Dutch populate its database for new cities using their service/app?
  • The location-base space seems very competitive at the moment why do you think so, is there really a war or just startups fighting for check-ins?
  • Do you think hyper-local will be the driving factor for checkins with small business or more success with national big brands or both?
  • You recently wrote: The New York Times Fights Back against Foursquare and Yelp on Do you think we’ll see more apps like the Scoop from other media outlets?
  • How does Double Dutch plan to make money?
  • What are your thoughts about those dealing with check-in fatigue and say not another check-in app?

Listen to the podcast: | Length: 23:49 minutes

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To learn more about Double Dutch watch the video below or visit:

After listening to the podcast what are your thoughts on Double Dutch and the future of location-based applications?