Today I was interviewed by Fox News 8 ( Bob Buckly & Stewart Pittman @Lenslinger out of Greensboro, NC about Social Networking Etiquette. I was recommended to discuss the topic by Jennifer Ruggiero a long time twitter follower and friend who I recently met in real life at a Tweetup in Greensboro. As I prepared for the interview I made a few notes and asked via the following question: What are some good & bad examples of Social Networking Etiquette that you have seen?
Below are my notes, a few other blog post on the same subject and some feedback I received from Brighkite, Twitter & Friendfeed.
Brightkite Feedback:
ocell: “Bad: anything automatic. Auto followback, autoresponders, autoDM… dilutes real social interaction and relationships.”
ninanord: “Having a hard time understanding why some people constantly use ie Facebook and Twitter to tell others how ill they are and what kind of bad mood they´re in… Easily turns into oversharing in a sphere where so many people talk, not knowing eachother personally.”
Twitter Feedback: