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Talk Social News Episode 21: Adam Wallace of Roger Smith Hotel talks social media in New York, plus cotweet, twickie, hulu vs boxe and facebook TOS noise


There’s buzz about a hotel in New York that’s tweeting, blogging and doing almost everything that a hotel could do to embrace social media. That hotel is called The Roger Smith Hotel @rogersmithhotel and they’re hosting Social Media Breakfast events, they sponsored @NYCTwestivl, live streaming events and embracing the local NY local tech community. If you’re like us, you wondered how they got started using social media and who’s the man behind the tweets and movement. That man is Adam Wallace @adamjwallace and we had a chance to talk with him about the Roger Smith Hotel, how he got started in social media, advice for other hotels and business looking to do the same.

The interview: Talk Social News Episode 21 – length 48:00 download or click to play:[audio:TalkSocialNews0021AdamWallacerogersmith.mp3] Subscribe to podcast in iTunes: talk social news itunes subscribe

Other segments of the podcast are:

News of the week:
twickie from @chrispirillo

CoTweet - Powering your brand on Twitter

The fail of the week:
Hulu vs Boxee
hulu boxee

Here’s a link to Kipp’s tweet on how to add Hulu back to Boxee
kipp bodnar tweet

News of the week:
Facebook Terms of service (TOS) noise

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Thanks for listening!