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#GEOchat live show tomorrow from SCVNGR HQ & SCVNGR window clings/poster with QR Code spotted in Boston

Play SCVNGR window cling and poster with QR Code

Tomorrow while I’m in Boston for #geoM and FutureM events I’m stopping by SCVNGR HQ to host another #GEOchat live show. The live show will be hosted on the url and feel free to leave any questions you have for SCVNGR and/or about location-based services in the comments. Also while walking downtown Boston last night I saw both of the images included in this post. The SCVNGR window cling and the “Play SCVNGR” poster. Is interesting to see other location-based services do offline marketing and/or provide a way for businesses to promote their location special offline. Have you seen other location-based services provide window clings & posters for businesses using their platforms?


SCVNGR is a game. Playing is simple: Go places. Do challenges. Earn points and unlock rewards! (Think free coffee!) Individuals and enterprises build on SCVNGR by adding challenges and rewards to their favorite places.

Play SCVNGR window cling and poster with QR Code