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Video from #GEOchat at SCVNGR HQ: What is SCVNGR, how is it being used & why it’s more than a scavenger hunt.

Play SCVNGR window cling and poster with QR Code

Yesterday while in Boston for #geoM, I had a chance to visit Boston’s location-based startup SCVNGR for another #GEOchat live show. For the show I sat down with @NickHerbold SCVNGR’s Guru & Recruiter and went on a tour of their amazing office space. You can watch the live show below.

Here are some of the questions I asked with Nick Herbold @NickHerbold

  1. Tell us about SCVNGR, when did it launch and how it’s different from other LBS
  2. Who is SCVNGR target business (small, b2b, large brands) ? and users?
  3. Your title says, SCVNGR guru and Seth is chief Ninja, you like to have fun with titles what are some of the other titles here at SCVNGR and your role with the company
  4. With SCVNGR you’re focus is all about the game play, do you see that is the leading way to gain more users and why?
  5. How would you describe SCVNGR ‘s brand/identity?
  6. Will game play lead to mass adoption outside of the early adopters/geeks?
  7. What do you think will make LBS in general more successful? Will it be the game play, more coupons/rewards or something else?
  8. SCVNGR works with various museums and universities. Universities are an ideal target but why museums and what have some of the most popular museums in terms of activity?
  9. Are there any unexpected/surprised use for SCVNGR that you didn’t think you would see people using the app for?
  10. How has being one of the google venture backed companies played a role in the success of SCVNGR ?
  11. If you could implement one feature to make SCVNGR better what would it be?
  12. What has been the most requested feature people wanting to see from SCVNGR?
  13. I was walking the other night and saw the SCVNGR window cling and play SCVNGR poster, how does a businesses go about receiving one of those?
  14. What advice do you give businesses to help increase the amount of check-ins / (play SCVNGR)?
  15. Seth said yesterday at #GEOm that SCVNGR is already making money, what’s SCVNGR revenue model?
  16. What would be your number one reason you would tell someone to use SCVNGR over other LBS?

Thanks SCVNGR & Nick for the interview.