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Video: How to use scotch tape to fix the iPhone 4 signal problem. Who needs bumper cases when you have scotch tape?

Ok, this is sad and funny but it works. Use scotch tape on the iPhone 4 to fix the signal problem. This is some Macgyver style signal hack for the iPhone 4 going on here! Are we in the 90s or 2010? No wonder Apple wants everyone to buy the Bumper cases.

Ooh, where’s my bright red duct tape?! RT @unmarketing
The $0.001 DIY iPhone 4 Antenna Fix Jun 25 13:31:15 via web

I first saw the tweet from @Andybeal about “red duck tape” and was like what in the world. So I clicked on it, taking me to the @Fastcompany article about using scotch tape on the iPhone 4 to fix the signal. Here’s the link: The $0.001 DIY iPhone 4 Antenna Fix. But I wanted video proof, so I found a video from chedacheese on @Youtube. Take a look at the video to learn how to use scotch tape to fix your iPhone 4 signal!

Apparently Mr. Steve Jobs sent an email saying to just hold the phone another way or buy a bumper case. I’m shaking my head at you Steve! You can read more about that on @Techcrunch “Steve Jobs Responds To The Antenna Issue: Hold It Different Or Use A Case

Do you think Apple new about the signal problem and who’s adding scotch to their shinny new iPhone 4?