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Save $1,000 off your next Mercedes-Benz with a foursquare check-In at The New York Auto Show

I’m a few days late on this post as I was traveling last week to attend Where 2.0 location conference but if you were lucky enough to attend the The New York Auto Show last week and wanted to save $1,000.00 off your next Mercedes-Benz all you had to do was check-in with foursquare. Awesome right?

2011 Mercedes SLS AMG Gull Wing
Photo credit: 2011 Mercedes SLS AMG Gull Wing Photo by: ccho on flickr at the New York 2011 International Auto Show.

Here’s a quote from the press announcement.

In its first-ever Foursquare promotional offer, geo-social users checking in at the Jacob K. Javits Center in Manhattan, NY, will be encouraged to locate a Mercedes product specialist and show him or her their phone screen. Then, they will receive a $1,000 off voucher for a new car purchase. NYIAS 2011 runs from Friday through May 1.

“We are not nibbling around and watching Ford, Lexus, and GM try these things,” said Steve Cannon, the German carmaker’s U.S. VP of marketing. “I believe you’ve got to dive in.”


While I’ll give Mercedes-Benz a B- for using foursquare at the New York Auto Show and I’m sure some people who are looking to buying a new Mercedes-Benz are like awesome a $1,000 the promotion is also like giving away a one free doughnut when you’re buying a dozen. But at least Mercedes-Benz is trying and didn’t just try to offer a check-in badge. I think a better deal and/or promotion would have been the following:

  • A special 2011 Mercedes-Benz auto show foursquare check-in badge with the $1,000 off
  • One free Mercedes-Benz to a foursquare user  checking in during the  2011 New York Auto Show
  • Either $4,000 off for the first 400 or 100 foursquare check-ins (get it, “4”) plus badges
  • A nation wide foursquare badge and special at all Mercedes-Benz dealerships during the New York Auto Show
  • Include all marketing channels (TV, Radio, Web/social) which I’m still don’t get why more companies don’t use all of their marketing resources to promote a LBS and/or social promotion. Then they wonder why it didn’t provide the results they thought it would.

Note: Mercedes-Benz may have offerend more and I just haven’t read or seen it.

Do you think the “Save $1,000 off a Mercedes-Benz with a foursquare Check-In at The New York Auto Show” was a good idea or do you think Mercedes-Benz could have done more or something else with foursquare?

via Mercedes’ 1st Gear on Foursquare: $1,000 Check-Ins [Video] | ClickZ.
tip Mercedes-Benz offers $1,000 off a car for checking in at the NY Auto Show | About Foursquare