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Genius mashup of using QR Codes and your printed resume to help you standout above the crowd

Inspired Use Of QR Code On CV, Victor Petit printed a QR Code on the back of his resume. What’s the big deal? Well, like I’ve said previously its less about the QR Code and more about the content that is being delivered after a user scans the QR Code along with the entire mobile experience that makes QR Code valuable. Get it? If not, just watch the video clip below.

As you can see, it’s a genius mashup of using QR Codes and your printed resume to help you standout above the crowd. It’s smart and the video has already been viewed over 49,000 times. In Vimeo numbers that’s.. hate to say it but “viral”.  Not to get into the whole NFC technology vs Google Goggles vs Bar Codes vs QR Codes war, which really there is not one just silly marketing/tech blog ramblings.  This is why QR Codes are successful.  Note I did not say “winning” but successful. QR Codes are successful despite the fact that the common everyday internet/mobile user or business may not be aware of QR Codes or how to use them, a common everyday internet/mobile user or business can create a QR Code mobile marketing experience like the Victor Petit video above and see instant results of their efforts by the number of scans or the lack there of for marketing and/or  customer engagement.  Something the small business or you and I cannot do with NFC technology or Google Goggles at this time. Maybe in a few years but just not right now.


Have you seen other QR Code resume mashups like the Victor Petit video? Let me know in the comments.

via Inspired Use Of QR Code On CV | Mobile Inc and HackerNews.