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Janet Jackson + QR Codes = The For Colored Girls Movie Poster with QR Code mobile experience

For Colored Girls is a movie based on a stage play by Tyler Perry and will be available in movie theaters on November 5. Today while reading about QR Codes I saw a post on the 2D Code blog called For Colored Girls Gets a QR Code. The post says “Lionsgate has teamed up with Augme to promote the upcoming movie “For Colored Girls” with a QR Code poster” and also says they used a negative QR Code in terms of black, white and red usages which may not work with all QR Code readers. I understand they wanted the QR Code to match the text and Janet Jackson’s shirt but if you want it be truly effective why not keep it simple and create a standard QR Code that works with most QR Code readers? The post does mention once the QR Code is scanned it takes you to a mobile site for more information about the For Colored Girls movie as you can see below.


It’s good to see more movies and agencies use QR Codes to interact with potentially movie viewers and learn more about them at the same time. One question I’m constantly being asked is when do I think QR Codes will become main stream. WIth the way marketing agencies and other brands are pushing QR Codes it will be faster than it took for most to catch on to the Twitter / Facebook social media wave. Plus being that QR Codes are something you can easily track if done right, you can measure the results and show the value of using them without being too expensive outside of creating a good mobile experience for QR Code readers to scan.

For Colored Girls will be in theaters November 5th! Have you seen the trailer? -Janet’s TeamTue Oct 05 22:58:36 via web

If you have not seen the For Colored Girls Movie trailer take a look below.

For Colored Girls IMDB:

If you need a Free QR Code reader TriOut v2 for the iPhone has a built inQR Code reader. Here’s the iTunes App store [iTunes link]
TriOut v2 social location-based app in iTunes

Have you seen other movie posters with QR Codes?