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One week until CNN Black In America 4, Silicon Valley – Everything changes after this or does it? #blackinamerica

We’re exactly one week away from CNN’s Black In America 4, Silicon Valley – The New Promised Land hosted by Soledad O’Brien that airs Sunday, November 13, 8pm EST. There’s a lot of hype around the document with all of the back and forth race/diversity talk that I’m still disappointed about. Out of the eight entrepreneurs in the house I think I’m the last one to see one of the pre-screenings but that will change this week as I’ll be in Detroit with Hajj Flemmings on a few panels for pre-screenings and BrandCampU.

Regardless, I think it was reported that some 4 million people watched the last Black In America 3. Some are saying this is the best one yet and expecting about 5 million or more to tune in. We’ll see. With that being said, we’ll see what happens after Black In America 4 airs. Not just for my life but for those who watch, future entrepreneurs and various communities across the country. Yeah.. I’m nervous.

One thing I want people to keep in mind before, during and after you see Black In America 4 is don’t focus on the negative or what has happen so much in the past but think about what you can do to make a positive change in your life and those around you.

If you haven’t seen the latest CNN Black In America 4, Silicon Valley trailer take a look below.

Also join Mario Armstong, myself and more are hosting the official after Black In America 4 online live show and panel. If you’re in the Baltimore area join us in person if not watch and participate online. Details here: