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8 new social networks your company should be monitoring

Filtering to Gain Social Network Value
flickr photo by: Intersection Consulting
If you ask most marketers or individuals they are up to their neck in social media and social networking sites. Many say they don’t have time to manage them. Especially if you work for an agency. I was speaking at a recent SocialFresh event about location-based apps/@Foursquare and mentioned how there are over 60 plus location based services. One lady responded, we have Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and now Foursquare how many more sites/apps will there be? My response was sadly a lot more and if you manage a companies brand with various tools such as Argyle Social, Trackur, Radian6, Trackur and Radian6 get ready for more analytics products to integrate with some of the newer social networks and/or location-based services.

Even though Facebook has 500 million users, Twitter over 11 million and Linkedin over 70 million users that doesn’t mean there’s not a place for a new social networking site to launch and be successful. Especially if it has a niche audience with a great brand. In the past year to six months there has been a recent wave of new niche social networks launched. A few based off of the question and answer format and others are new micro-blogging communities. If you’re an agency or brand I think you should at least create company profiles or have those managing your brand to preform search queries across these new sites for see if they are discussing your products/services or your competitors. Here are eight new social networking sites your brand should monitoring.

Be a Social Media Genius

UPDATE: I forgot Cliqset!
UPDATE #2: Cliqset has shutdown as of December 2010

Are you aware of or using any of the seven social networks above? If so how?