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New G-Whizz iPad app, a better way of multitasking all of your @google apps?

Tonight while looking at the app store to see if there has been a Googlewave app for the iPad released I came across an app called G-Whizz ( ). G-Whizz doesn’t solve my Googlewave iPad problems but it does solve another one. It prevents auto refreshing a Google sites when opening new windows between other Google sites.

G-Whizz also provides a clean list of all of the Google services to switch between along with the ability to customize quick access icons locations. Besides the multitasking feature G-Whizz is very much like the official Google iPad and it unlike Google’s free app G-Whizz cost $2.99.

About G-Whizz from
G-Whizz! brings all of your favorite Google mobile websites to one convenient app. After the initial load of each site, you can effortlessly switch between tabs to quickly check your Gmail, read some stories in Reader, or edit your documents in Docs.

Features include:
Support for iPhone AND iPad!

18 of your favorite Google mobile sites (see below)!

For Gmail, a convenient unread badge keeps you informed if you mail arrives while you’re browsing another site.

For Reader, stories load in a pop-up window. After you finish, simply dismiss the window and you’re back to your reading list!

For Reader external links, content can be displayed in a mobile-friendly format or optionally with original formatting.

Email links are detected from within the app and a pop-up window (with appropriate fields filled-out) allows you to send your message without leaving the app!

Tapping links to other Google services will be detected and automatically take you to the appropriate tab!

Ability to use your Google Apps account! Just enable this option and enter your email address in Settings to use Gmail, Calendar and Docs for your domain. For the other Google apps, log in with your favorite address and use them simultaneously Google Apps account!

I decided to give G-Whizz a try and here are a few screenshots of the app.

If you’re using G-Whizz or another browser multitasking app for the iPad let me know what you think about it in the comments.

— Post From My iPad

Location:Turtle Point Dr,Raleigh,United States