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November 19 National Entrepreneurs’ Day, a Day Entrepreneurs can change the world

Recently President Obama declared the week of November 14-20 as National Entrepreneurship Week and November 19 has been set aside as National Entrepreneurs’ Day.

“NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 14 through November 20, 2010, as National Entrepreneurship Week. I call upon all Americans to commemorate this week with appropriate programs and activities, and to celebrate November 19, 2010, as National Entrepreneurs’ Day.”

Over at the Grasshoppergroup blog they have a detailed history about National Entrepreneurs’ Week and various ways to support National Entrepreneurs’ Day. Here are a few:

  • Thank. If you know an entrepreneur, thank them for the ways in which they’ve made an impact on our economy thus far; the simple act of giving thanks can strengthen a connection or start a new one. If you’re an entrepreneur yourself, thank the individuals who brought you to where you are today. This is what National Entrepreneurs’ Day is all about.
  • Mentor. Perhaps there was someone who urged you to start your first business or helped you bring your first big idea to life; if so, they’ve played a part in making you the entrepreneur you are today. Return the favor and find an entrepreneur you can mentor through thick and thin.
  • Give. Kiva is an organization that promotes micro lending to alleviate poverty around the world. With corporate and institutional partners from Google to Ashoka, you can feel confident that your donation is going to reach a deserving entrepreneur somewhere in the world, and that, in turn, your donation will serve as a catalyst for change (if you doubt this, might I remind you that anything is possible?).
  • Pay it forward. You can help support fellow entrepreneurs by paying it forward with products, services, and/or your time. What’s easy for you may not be easy for another aspiring entrepreneur. Remember: a little help can go a long way.

Here’s an awesome video about how Entrepreneurs can change the world from team Grasshopper too.

As part of National Entrepreneurs’ Day at Designbox we offereed free coworking for the day.

If you’re an entrepreneur and/or working on your startup good luck and I wish you much success with your business ventures!