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Myspace is still alive, so update your privacy settings


Myspace or is it My____ has been in the tech news recently from changing their new home page, new logo, new profile themes, a new focus on music and a new partnership with Facebook. With that being said, I took a few minutes today to update my … MySpace profile. I have not updated my profile for a few years being that it was a social network that was not fitting my business or personal needs. Regardless, that is not a good social networking etiquette practice as I suggest for you to update your social networking profiles every year or if you have a career change.

As for Myspace profile updates, I updated my bio, changed the profile theme and restricted access from anyone who is not a friend to post any type of content on my profile. While updating, I also noticed MySpace has new privacy settings. What stood out to me the most was the two options below: ”
Do not allow my profile information to be accessed by games and third-party services I haven’t connected to.
Do not allow communications from games and third-party services I haven’t connected to”.

Both options I selected. You can see how I set my full MySpace privacy settings in the screen shot below.


Regardless of what some “social media’ people and bloggers may think about MySpace, according to Crunchbase they have 800 employees and 125 million users and with the recent changes Myspace has made 2011 may be it’s defining make it or break it year. If you have a Myspace profile, I recommend you update your bio and your privacy settings. For more on Myspace privacy see “ How do you control your privacy on Myspace?” from the Myspace FAQ section.

Do you have a Myspace account? If so how are you using it?