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Michigan: A Growing Hotbed for Venture Capital Investment – infographic

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Earlier this year the city of Detroit filed Chapter 9 Municipal Bankruptcy but that hasn’t broken the spirit of Detroit and other Michigan entrepreneurs from staying motivated. For example my friend Hajj Flemings launched +redetroit a site to magnify the ‘Re-building, Reinvention, and Re-branding’ story that is fueling Detroit’s revitalization.

Not only do entrepreneurs like Hajj have high hopes for the future of Detroit and Michigan as a whole but according to Michigan Growth Capital Symposium, Michigan is a is a growing hotbed for venture capital investment. Take a look at the report below.


Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Developing a Winning Ecosystem

  • World-class Universities, Steady Flow of Ideas
  • Support for Motivated VCs, Entrepreneurs and High Growth Startups
  • Knowledge Workers
  • Innovative, Venture Backed Startups

View of Venture Capital Investment

  • How Michigan Stacks Up in the Midwest
  • Segmenting the Hot Investment Industries

Venture Capital Activity Trending Up

  • Still not convinced? Consider the following steady drumbeat of activity…

Source: PRNeswire