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23 location-based terms every marketing agency and business should know

Recently a few reports stated despite the popularity among tech evangelist many individuals were unaware of location based applications such as @TriOut, @Foursquare, @brightkite, @whrrl, @gowalla and more. The reports also stated due to the limited amount of awareness but still having millions of users there was little value in using various location-based applications in marketing campaigns. Some have also stated that location-based apps won’t become as popular as social networks such as Twitter and Facebook unless more businesses start offering more check-in specials/coupons to their customers. Sadly, I believe that is half-way true. But even if that’s the case how will more businesses learn about location-based apps and learn how to implement a location-based marketing strategy? For some it will be in the from of their marketing agency, for others blogs, consultants, coworkers and/or their customers. Regardless eduction will be one of the biggest needs for location-based marketing to take off.  With that being said here are 23 location-based terms every marketing agency and business should know.

  1. GPS – Global Positioning System
  2. Latitude and Longitude
  3. Leaderboard
  4. LBA – Location Based Applications
  5. LBA – Location Based Advertising
  6. LBS – Location Based Services
  7. LBG – Location Based Games
  8. SMS – Short Message Service
  9. SMS – Social Mapping Service
  10. Geo-social gaming services
  11. PCP – (post check-in page) via @schneidermike
  12. PCE – (post check-in experinces) via @schneidermike
  13. Coupons / Specials / Points  / Badges = Rewards
  14. Key Holders / Mayors / Dukes  – Titles for customers who visit a location the most in TriOut, Foursquare and Yelp.
  15. Check-in – The action of using a location-based app and letting the service/business/friends know you have arrived at a location.
  16. Societies – Groups inside of @Whrrl that could be connected to rewards/brands.
  17. Geo Marketing – Geomarketing is the integration of Geographical intelligence into all marketing aspects including sales and distribution.
  18. RFID – Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is the use of an object (typically referred to as an RFID tag) applied to or incorporated into a product, animal, or person for the purpose of identification and tracking using radio waves
  19. Barcode –  A barcode is an optical machine-readable representation of data, which shows certain data on certain products.
  20. Virtual Currency – Virtual currency (or in-game currency depending on environment) is used to purchase virtual goods within a variety of online communities; which include social networking websites, virtual worlds and online gaming sites
  21. AR – Augmented Reality Augmented reality (AR) is a term for a live direct or indirect view of a physical real-world environment whose elements are augmented by virtual computer-generated imagery.
  22. Geo Fence – A Geofence is a virtual perimeter on a geographic area using a location-based service
  23. QR Codes – A QR Code is a matrix code (or two-dimensional bar code) created by Japanese corporation Denso-Wave in 1994. The “QR” is derived from “Quick Response”, as the creator intended the code to allow its contents to be decoded at high speed.

Update: Andrew Mager @mager tweeted the following terms that marketers should know too.

@momentfeed @waynesutton @phil_hendrix Don’t forget antipode, geo-spatial query, cartography, z-curve, mercator, point, way, and polygon.Thu Aug 05 19:00:00 via Tweetie for Mac

Sources:, google & wayne’s brain.

What do you think will be the driving force for more businesses to use location-based services?