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LeBron James joins Twitter but skips social media to make his decision announcement for ESPN

Yes another LeBron James twitter decision post but I’ll promise to keep it short. Over the weekend I wrote a post about how the Tornoto Raptors @Raptors were upset about some of @ChrisBosh tweets and how it could cost him millions. In the post I also stated how it would be nice if LeBron James joined @Twitter and tweeted his decision announcement instead of a traditional TV/media press event.

Well fast forward two days and LeBron James has officially joined Twitter as @KingJames thanks to his friend Chris Paul who tweets as @oneandonlycp3. I was a little surprised and was hopefully thinking that @KingJames would tweet his decision just so I could say I called it but but LeBron being the business man that he is, decided to call his friends at @ESPN to host a special show on Thursday to announce if he is going to re-sign with the Cleveland @cavs or another team such as the Chicago Bulls @chicagobulls or New York Knicks @thenyknicks or the NJ Nets @netsbasketball. I’m guessing it has to be either @netsbasketball or @thenyknicks because I don’t think LeBron would have a special event if he was just going to re-sign with the @cavs. But the entire @cavs organization has gone @twitter crazy with @CavalierGirls and @CavsScreamTeam accounts, so you never know.

Although LeBron has decided not to tweet his decision, @ajv over at thinks it would be cool if LeBron followed the team on twitter to make his announcement. I’m sure @Garyvee and team would love it if @kingjames joined @netsbasketball being that @netsbasketball is a client of @vaynermedia.

Check ( for updated info on my decision.Wed Jul 07 15:52:17 via web

One tweet that LeBron did send to his followers was to visit his website ( ) for updates, which is something I did suggest. Although using @Twitter for making announcements sounds great and it’s a big deal for @Twitter to have @KingJames tweeting at this time in his career. LeBron decided that he could use his brand and ESPN to make his decision and raise money for the Boys and Girls Clubs of America.

Now my question is, even though working with ESPN and their sponsors may have been the easiest way to accomplish this for camp LeBron, couldn’t they have used social media to host a one hour decision show too? Think about it, a live video show with guest and kids from his camp, have people to call or text to raise money and at the end of the show LeBron would make his announcement. Also we could see LeBron actually tweeting from the live show. Just a thought….

What are your thoughts on the LeBron decision TV show idea vs him using social media to make his announcement? Are you ready for him to pick just a team already?