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Launching the website, Twitter List and Presentations | #28daysofdiversity

28 Days of Diversity

Last week I started a new blog series called 28 Days of Diversity where I’m featuring someone new everyday for the month of February for just being awesome in their own right. The list includes leaders in the social web space, startups, bloggers, conference organizers, IT professionals and friends not ranked in any particular order. So far the feedback has been awesome and although each person has their own blog post and you can find them in the 28 Days of Diversity category on I wanted another way to highligh the 28 for 2010. Thus I’m launching

28 Days of Diversity

Now you have a better way to keep track of 28 individuals for 2010. As the days past I’ll keep the site updated but each person will be posted here on first. Also you can follow the new Twitter list called Diversity 2010 | where I will be following all 28 individuals by the end of the month.

Another way to keep track of the 28 for 2010 is via SlideShare . Each week there will be a weekly recap on SlideShare such as the one below.

Thanks and if you’re tweeting about the 28 Days of Diversity project use the hashtag #28daysofdiversity.