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The 7 most popular photos on Instagram, there’s more than lol cats!

Instagram the fun easy iPhone photo sharing application is a hit for professional photographers, bloggers, and just about anyone who loves to take photos using their iPhone. I’ve been using it heavily over the past few months, but more often when I started posting movember photos. Since then my Instagram activity has increased tremendously and I’m enjoying seeing amazing photos from friends and others around the world.

Still, like any online or mobile community, after joining you will start to see a few trends. One trend for Instagram is cat photos but there are lot more than cats being posted. Here are the five popular photos you’ll find people sharing on Instagram.

1. City scenery

2. Babies

3. Food

4. Coffee cups

5. Cars

6. Dogs

7. Nature

8. Cats

There’s also a lot of face photos of mostly women that are show up fast on the popular photos section.

If you use Instagram what are some the photo trends that you have seen?
