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Step outside the information bubble and why social media practitioners, content creators and the blogosphere needs sites like LazyFeed and Regator

Depending on when you started blogging or started to dabble in “social media” you may notices a recent shift in the blogosphere. It could be who I follow on Twitter or the feeds that I read in Google Reader but it seems we’re in a main stream blogosphere content cycle for shinny objects that are SEO friendly for page views. The popular tech/gadget/social media blogs are being read by the same PR/Marketing agencies, social media practitioners and main stream media who take their word by law and thousands of less visited but valuable blogs are going unread. Those less read but niche blogs have great content sharing new tools and valuable information screaming read me.

As someone who’s always looking to find new and interesting content this is a problem. What we have created now is an information bubble where everyone is either blogging or reblogging the same stories and most are missing out on tons of great content being published online. But depending on how your RSS feeds look or your research time, finding interesting new/valuable content or niche blogs you’re probably wondering where to start. Enter a few new content startups such as Lazyfeed, Regator (launched in 2007) and My6Sense to help you find blog post outside of your normal reading.

About LazyFeed –

Lazyfeed turns the Web into a stream of everything you love, and lets you enjoy “fishing”.1. You create your own stream by adding topics you love to talk about.
2. You will instantly start getting all the latest updates from around the Web.
3. Pick one, read, and post your thought

About Regator – is a website designed to help you find quality blog posts. It does this by using highly selective human editors to find well-written, topical blogs on more than 500 topics then a combination of semantic algorithms and user interaction to find the most interesting, timely, and noteworthy posts from those blogs. Regator provides you with tools to monitor keywords, find related content, view trends, keep track of favorites, and share with friends.

About My6Sense –

My6sense connects you with the content that matters, providing you with a sharper and better way to experience your information, on your mobile and desktop.
my6sense presents to you content that is ranked according to your preferences from your various streams. You can view what’s most important to you from all of your streams, within individual streams, and even within specific categories determined by you.

Also don’t forget about despite loosing traffic to various social networks and startups like the ones above technorati is still a way to find interesting content.

Why do you need sites like Lazyfeed or Regtaor? Because there’s more content being created than what you may realized and “parts” of the blogosphere is now commercialize where you’ll see only certain post about certain compaines/startups about certain topics creating an information bubble…in my opinion.

Blogger Flickr photo by: cokescroaks

Do you feel as if we’re in an information bubble? Do you use one of the four services above? If so how?