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Google Wave turns one, then tweets and how to embed a Google Wave blip into any website

Happy birthday Google Wave! A year ago Wave made its debut at I/O — now anyone can try it out. May 28 16:19:09 via web

In case you missed it, Google Wave turned one year old today. I’m not sure what Google or the Google Wave team did to celebrate but the @Google Twitter account tweeted Happy Birthday about the news and soon the @googlewave team retweeted the message as you can see above and below.

RT @google: Happy birthday Google Wave! A year ago Wave made its debut at I/O — now anyone can try it out. May 28 17:17:51 via web

Back in January I wrote a blog post called 9 practical ways to use Google Wave for business and fast forward six months later I’m still using Google Wave for business. Little did I know it was “Wave’s birthday and earlier today I tweeted the following message:

If you’re not using @googlewave for collaboration you’re missing out. It has flaws but it works. The key is have a project/team to use it.Fri May 28 14:47:03 via Twitter for iPhone

At the time I tweeted the message it was after reviewing some of the Google Wave “blips” / conversations that the TriOut team were having and some of the milestones we were reaching. Fast forward a few hours later Google Wave Product Manager Steph Hannon @twephanie tweeted the following:

@waynesutton This is a nice tweet to read on our first birthday – thank you!Fri May 28 23:06:18 via TweetDeck

No, Steph Hannon @twephanie thank you and the Google Wave team for continuing making a useful FREE collaborative tool for entrepreneurs like myself to use for team projects.

Since Google Wave launched from closed beta to public access one of the most requested features was to make it easy for people to embed Google Wave blip messages into a blog post or any website. I’m not sure when it was released but you can embed a google wave into any website with a Google Web Element called “Wave Element”. To do so go to: and just past the wave url you want to embed in the box and the Wave Element will provide you with the code to embed. Here’s an example and closing question below.

How are you using Google Wave?