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#GEOChat Starts today on Twitter at 2:00 P.M. EST, Discussing all things location

Topical Twitter hashtags conversations started a few years ago with #journchat by @prsarahevans. Now we have #b2bchat, #aptchat, #smchat, #blogchat and more. Today I’m pleased to announced #GEOchat starting today at 2:00 P.M. EST on Twitter. #GEOChat will cover all things location/geo related offline and online. The discussion will cover your favorite location-based applications such as Foursquare, whrrl, brightkite, Gowalla, TriOut, Facebook Places, MyTown and more. Other topics we’re going to cover will be privacy, API application mashups, offline marketing of location-based campaigns, and how does the entire GEO spaces affect businesses today.

To participate in #GEOChat setup your Twitter search for the hashtag #GEOChat at 2:00 P.M. EST and I’ll start the conversations off with about three questions and depending on your answers the chat will last for 30 minutes. If the conversation last longer, we’ll continue to 3:00 P.M. EST. In the future there will be guest host from other location-based platforms and marketing agencies leading in the location-based marketing space.

Kicking off #GEOChat here are a few of the questions we’re going to ask during #GEOChat:

1. If you’re a longtime user of other location-based apps are you now using Facebook Places as your primary LBS?

2. What is your number one concern about privacy using location-based apps?

3. What will drive the success of location-based services in the future? Gaming or group buying or coupons and why?

4. Outside of Facebook Places what new location-based service has impressed you? Ex. ShopKick, BarCode Hero, Hotlist, Picplz?

5. What features not in your favorite location-based service you would like to see implemented?

If you have suggestions/questions/topics for #GEOChat please let me know in the comments and I’ll tweet you at 2:00 P.M. for #GEOChat