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The best way to find featured apps from iPad commercials

Earlier this year I wrote a blog post about how to find iPad apps seen in commercials. Since then, I receive tons of Goggle search results from people still trying to find the apps featured in the iPad commercials. The previous post said to look for the the banner ad in iTunes that reads “Apps from iPad TV Ads” that links to this iTunes url: Now it seems as if the Apps from iPad TV Ads section in iTunes have not been updated for a while.

Apple iPad apps tv commercial

Now the best way to find featured apps from iPad commercials is on the iPad. Just launch the “App Store” application on the iPad scroll to the bottom and look in the “Quick Links” section. From there you will see a link that reads, “Apps from iPad TV Ads”. Click on that link and it will take you to the page below.

Apple iPad apps tv commercial

I would hope Apple continues to update the section in iTunes but it does make perfect sense to have the section in the App Store on the iPad assuming iPad owners are looking for iPad apps seen in Apple ads.

If you have not seen Apple’s latest commercial. Watch the, “the iPad Is Amazing” video below.

What’s your favorite iPad app or iPad commercial?