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Facebook vs Twitter vs Friendfeed. Is Facebook doing to much & how are you using it?


There’s been a lot talk about Facebook trying to copy Twitter lately with the new public profiles, instant updates and interface changes, but after taking a closer look, it’s seems that Facebook is copying Friendfeed more than Twitter. For example, over the past few weeks Facebook has added “friendfeed-ish” like features such as:
1. “comment” and “like” to status updates
2.  group friend lists
3.  social network content feeds into status updates.


It’s easy to compare Facebook to Twitter because of live status updates but Friendfeed has that too with its real-time updates. Overall, I think Facebook is trying to make changes to keep users on, which is smart for them. They see how others are using twitter plus Friendfeed and see the opportunity to add a wider variety of user-controlled features to fit the need of the super geek like a Robert Scoble to people like my mom (@gwensutton) who is new to social networking.

But everyone is not happy about the changes and don’t see the value of adding the features. They want to use Facebook to stay in contact just with their personal friends and family. Nevertheless I asked the question on twitter “A lot of people are talking about Facebook vs Twitter but to me Facebook is getting more like Friendfeeed …. your thoughts? and here is what a few tweeple had to say.


waynesutton: A lot of people are talking about Facebook vs twitter but to me Facebook is getting more like Friendfeeed …. your thoughts?

about 2 hours ago

INKAHEXE: I don´t use Facebook, I have a profile on, this is more popular in southamerica

about 2 hours ago

RCcarboy: they’re all the same. just different facets.

about 2 hours ago

jeremysallen: i would agree that facebook has become more of a feed to funnel all of your feeds to your friends

about 2 hours ago

Sab_1908: they totally are trying to keep up especially with the pic frames …The longer status updates… Giving people more characters

about 2 hours ago

jeremysallen: im seeing so many more status updates via twitter now than i used to… people finally have stopped asking what is twitter…

about 2 hours ago

RedKoolAid2000: Facebook data farming scared me from ever being a user

about 2 hours ago

chilly_o: twitter is the most effective, not really feeling facebook and don’t know what happened to myspace.The real time variable works

about 2 hours ago

omaireee: if those are the two options, then yes. i feel fb to be more a glorified myspace than anything else, really

about 2 hours ago

muffet: it’s hard to have convos/keep them focused on FB bcos of the multiple ways you can interact, so def, NOT twitter-like in spirit

about 2 hours ago

ram0na: I’m over Facebook. It was interesting for a moment to see what ppl I’d lost contact with were doing. NSM anymore. WTF cares.

about 2 hours ago

StevenBarley: Facebook is still more about personal connections/sharing, multi-media: Twitter leans professional + interests/hobbies, text

about 2 hours ago

nishland: never thought of FB/FF that way. True both are broadcasts of collective “rants” but the community aspect of FB doesn’t match FF

about 2 hours ago

Amir7: I don’t like facebook its boring but that’s me. Some say Twitter is boring so It depends on the person.

about 2 hours ago

ratrealmpress: I totally agree with you, this cyber world is getting all mashed into one big hole

about 2 hours ago

Geistbear: FriendFeed but less clean interface, busier

about 2 hours ago

stu: the main feed looks more like Twitter, but the side bar is trying to be popular items like FF, but feel it falls short on both

about 2 hours ago

Bmoreguy03: i feel the value of facebook has went down when they changed there to there new layout

about 2 hours ago

Bmoreguy03: at first no one even put them in the same type of website they both did different things but when they changed it

about 2 hours ago

DerekAlfonso: Twitter is a single service designed for quick status updates, Facebook has some of that too but that’s not the main focus

about 2 hours ago

princewh: definitely true

about an hour ago

JediVinnie: could u explain friendfeed..v twitter I R new to facebook & getting alittle lost..have a good one..

about an hour ago

pam3la: on FB: the lack of chronological order and refresh irks me. it is not a smooth layout per se. getting used to it.

about an hour ago

wei_yang: Facebook is making FriendFeed obsolete. I always had a FF account, but never used it cause the chatter didn’t exist.

about 44 minutes ago

rutgerblom: I agree.

about 32 minutes ago

How are you using Facebook?