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Facebook Places Poll results: Will users check-in with Facebook Places?

Facebook (2) | The Facebook Blog

Facebook places was announced yesterday and I created a poll to see if my social graph would use it. I asked the following question:”Will you check-in with Facebook Places?” with the options of:

  • No, I’m going to stick with my current location-based app?
  • Yes, I’m going to use Foursquare, Yelp or Gowalla to check-in & post to Facebook
  • No, I don’t get location-based apps
  • Yes, I’m going to use Facebook places only to check-in?
  • and an option for other.

Here are the results below:


No, I’m going to stick with my current location-based app? 29.31%
Yes, I’m going to use Foursquare, Yelp or Gowalla to check-in & post to Facebook 24.14%
No, I don’t get location-based apps 24.14%
Yes, I’m going to use Facebook places only to check-in? 12.07%
Other answer… 10.34%

The other answers were:

  • Checking in is really the biggest waste of time I have ever seen….
  • No, Facebook violates my privacy too much already.
  • no, i don’t care Today, 8:28AM
  • Outside US, so poor cousin. @obiwan1
  • No, I’m dropping out of the location-based era
  • Yes only to see what they are up to 🙂

Thanks for voting!