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A look at Facebook Fanpages, numbers tell all via Sysomos

Sysomos | Inside Facebook Pages
Sysomos a social media analytics company located in Toronto. Recently they posted some interested data on Facebook pages. The report looks at types of content, number of fans, categories and what makes a Facebook page popular.

 From Sysomos post:

“Sysomos analyzed nearly 600,000 Facebook Pages to investigate usage patterns. This is the first large-scale study of Facebook Pages, reporting on different aspects of pages including popularity, amount of content posted, number of fans, and categories.”

Sysomos | Inside Facebook Pages

Sysomos | Inside Facebook Pages

Sysomos | Inside Facebook Pages

Summary by Sysomos:
Facebook Pages with more than one million fans generate significantly more content than the average Facebook page: three times more content created by owners/administrators, and 70 times more content created by fans themselves. While “Wall posts” can attract a lot of attention, there does not appear to be a significant correlation between the number of Wall posts and the popularity of a page — an active wall doesn’t necessarily imply a popular page

It’s interesting to see the data collected by Sysomos and how individuals who manage Facebook fanpages will use the data to create more valuable content to increase the number of fans or engagement.