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Social Media Conversations report from @CrimsonHexagon of the Duke vs UNC game Tweets

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Here’s the last report from the #Duke vs #UNC Social Media Challenge. This report is provided by Crimson Hexagon. Crimson Hexagon has a VoxTrot listening platform that provides companies with actionable insight into consumer opinion of their brand, product, or market.” VoxTrot technology can identify opinion from large quantities of text, whether it’s an in-house content repository or the vast blogosphere.” –

Here are the results:

We knew ScoutLabs and Sysomos would provide plenty of data on volume. We wanted to tell you something new. We analyzed almost 10,000 tweets from Feb. 10th and Feb. 11th that contained either Duke or UNC (with or without the hashtag).


By our tally, Duke won the online contest (in addition to the game), with 22% of Twitter conversation expressing support for the Blue Devils. Since Opinion Monitors don’t use keywords to make this determination, Cameron Crazies who tweeted their distaste for the Heels without mentioning Duke by name can rest assured that we captured their support as well.

Our analysis also uncovered some unrest among those who bleed Carolina Blue. While 10% of tweets backed the Tar Heels, an additional 7% expressed frustration at UNC’s fast fall from glory. Coach Roy Williams’ comment about Haiti certainly didn’t help matters – 5% of tweets expressed disbelief at his remarks.

In addition to measuring the “interesting” conversation, it is worth pointing out that Crimson Hexagon also identifies the boring bits of Twitter with equal precision.  All those tweets (47%) that contained the words Duke or UNC without referencing the game make up the irrelevant conversation, while boring tweets about the final score or straightforward “I’m watching the game” messages are classified appropriately as facts (9%).

From Crimson Hexagon’s point of view, there’s more than volume to the final score.

A big thanks to Crimson Hexagon/ Megan and the entire team for the impressive report even thoughs it shows another lost for UNC.  You can follow @crimsonhexagon on twitter or visit their web site: for more information about their social media analytics platform.

Here are the links to the other reports from Sysomos and Scout Labs
Sysomos Report
Scout Labs Report