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What are your business content goals for 2010?

It’s the first day back to work in 2010 for most of the world and I’m sure you have already seen plenty of blog post already on new year resolutions and more, but this is not one of them. On January 1st I tweeted “1 of my major goals for 2010 is to produce better content which included blog post, videos & podcast that leads to business & new relationships. Also not included in the tweet is to “engage” more with industry colleagues and potential clients through commenting and offline networking events.

Twitter / Wayne Sutton: 1 of my major goals for 20 ...

My primary content channels are:
Twitter: @WayneSutton
iTunes Podcast: SocialWayne [itunes link]
Video Show: WayneSutton.TV

As the web is now social, standing out and separating yourself from the rest of the “pack” will be challenging in 2010 but very doable. It seems like everyone is reading the same blogs and retweeting the same people therefor creating a huge echo chamber. By setting content goals and creating content strategies you can measure your results and start using your content for lead generation sales and networking opportunities.

Have you set your business content goals for 2010 or worked on a content strategy for your company or clients?

Have a successful 2010.