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BlogWorld Notes: The State of Technology & the Real Time Web via @louisgray #bw09

@louisgray real-time web session at #bwe09 @blogworld

Lead by: Louis Gray

Video from WayneSutton.TV

My Notes:
Session Introduction
Everything is moving faster even it we like it or not

More data is being creating today more than ever
What is real-time
search and discovery
transport of data
live activity with requiring refresh

Real-time search
1st friendfeed
Google isn’t providing real-time search like twitter and/or friendfeed

Friendfeed is like twitter search ++ and it has rich media
Real-Time search

Real-Time data export
Data is flowing everywhere
Problem is trying to get data
Pubsubhubbub = middle man form your content from your data to the networks

Twitter Feed
Reader2Twitter – google reader shares to twitter

Eliminating the Refresh
Hitting the F5 or the refresh button shows you
Facebook is implementing the real-time web
Google Wave – massive collaboration system all at one time in real-time
LazyFeed – great way for finding information by content
Comments: Disqus & JS-Kit Echo

Real Time Summary
More Data. More Places. Faster
Real Time Enables Social Elements
Real Time Keeps Services Synched
Real Time is About Now
Real Time is Real

Best tool to manage brand in real-time