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BlogWorld Video: The role for blogs in an age of micro-blogging from Rick Klau @rklau of Google

The role for blogs in an age of micro-blogging from Rick Klau @rklau of Google

Video from session:

Microblogs are complementary not competitive
Conversations are fragmenting
You can either go where the readers are or wait for them to come to you
People will only engage with people where they are already commenting
You can go to where they are or you can wait for them to come to you
Measure what matters: Traffic != influence
Keys to building a lasting community = Content + Passion + Engagement
Success with a blog is about commenting to values
Don’t become a slave to focus on your blog without having fun

What are the keys = I control every pixel on my blog
You can personalize your blog over micro-blogs: widgets, links, theme, header,