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The best iPhone QR Code Reader Application is?

While looking at my analytics I notice a lot of people searching for the best iPhone QR Code Reader Application or one of the following QR iPhone app related terms:

  • qr code reader iphone
  • qr code generator app
  • qr code, iphone
  • qr code reader for iphone
  • QR iphone
  • iphone qr code reader
  • qr readers

Although I’m a little biased when it comes to what iPhone QR Code Reader to use as I would love for everyone to use TriOut to scan QR Codes but it’s a little more than just a QR Code Reader app. With that being said, in my opinion, the best iPhone QR Code application or apps is a close race between Optiscan – QR code scanner and generator and QuickMark QR Code Reader 4. Both apps are great with QuickMark with a slight edge over Optiscan due to additional features and linking to online profiles.

But if you’re looking for a location-based check-in app that works with Facebook Places, Foursquare, and Gowalla, that also includes a QR Code Reader, then give TriOut a … try!

The apps:


I’ve launched the FREE SocialWayne iPhone QR Code Reader app: You can download the app here. iphone app




If you’re looking for a QR Code to scan and test with your new QR Code Reader app feel free to scan the QR Code above which was created using the Tappin platform. For more iPhone QR Code reader apps, see my post: 10 iPhone QR Code Reader Applications to get you ready for the QR marketing madness

If you’re not using one of the three iPhone QR Readers above, what is your favorite iPhone QR Reader app?