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Announcing Triangle Tech week #TriTech


For those of you reside outside of NC we call the Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill and surrounding areas the Triangle and this week we having Triangle Tech week. Every day starting Monday August 3 thru August 8 there will be a different Technology/ social media/ geek event to attend. Also we’re going to have a few special prizes for some of the attendees who make it all six events such as an iTunes gift card and more. To verify you attended all six pick up a card starting tonight at the Triangle Tweetup at Edge Office. The card will have all events dates listed. Next find one of the OurHashtag partners which includes, Kipp Bodnar, Jeffrey L. Cohen, Ryan Boyles or myself and we’ll mark your card. On Saturday at BarCampRDU if you attended all six events we’ll have the prize for you.

If you’re tweeting about the events be sure to use the tag #TriTech short for Triangle Tech Week. Here’s the run down of the events along with the organizers and more information url for Triangle Tech Week.

Monday, August 3 – Triangle Tweetup, 7:00 P.M. at Edge Office – via OurHashtag

Tuesday, August 4 – Westend Tweetup, 7:00 P.M. at Carrboro Creative Coworking – via Brian Russell aka @BrianR on twitter.

Wednesday, August 5 – Ignite Raleigh @IgniteRaleigh, 7:00 P.M. at Lincoln Theatre via OurHashtag

Thursday, August 6 – Triangle Social Media Club, guest speaker Jay Cuthrell @qthrul on Google Wave at iContact headquaters, Durham, NC. more information here- via OurHashtag

Friday, August 7 – BarCampRDU pre-party at Flying Saucer, Raleigh, NC via Dave Johnson aka @snoopdave on Twitter and team.

Saturday, August 8 – BarCampRDU at Red Hat via Dave Johnson aka @snoopdave on Twitter and team.

Ok, it’s going to be one long but fun, exciting week in the Triangle and remember the tag is #TriTech but some of the events have their own tag too such as #IgniteRaleigh & #barcamprdu. Be sure to check out the Social Carolina calendar as there are other events in the Triangle this week too. Also be sure to look at each events website or Twitter account to see if there are any changes. Have a great week!