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All the Cool Kids Have ‘Em: Social Web Profile Aggregation Sites

Tim Van Damme
I’m not sure if it started with Tim Van Damme but he sure did kick off a trend of new “Social Web Profile Aggregation” sites or social networking profile identity aggregation sites. Can you feel the “buzzwords” through your computer screen, lol. Either way since Tim’s site was created one “Social Web Profile Aggregation” service has launched called and now there’s a WordPress theme from John Saddington. Take a look at the WordPress theme below.

Digital Business Card - Profiles

Hat tip to @Corvida who posted John’s WordPress theme on her Posterous site. It’s interesting that John calls his WordPress theme the “The Digital Business Card” vs  a “Social Web Profile Aggregation theme” but since the idea comes from Tim site which looks like a business card, I totally understand.

Back to, I’ve blogged about it before here: 3 ways to showcase your social media profiles:, DandyiD & Google profiles and since then a few other “Social Web Profile Aggregation” sites have launched such as You can see my profile below.

Hi, I'm - Wayne Sutton


There’s also and Reallywho which that has a goal to be your “Identity Verification for the Social Web” service.

It seems with the explosion of social networks, social media and the social web, the next big thing may be social identity verification and aggregation. Something I’m sure Google is thinking about with Google Profiles and other services such as DandyID, and Reallywho. While these services are great for social web identity verification, they may be a little much for the average user who wants to just setup a cool WordPress site and promote their own social web profiles. If that’s the case then you  may want to give John’s digital business card WordPress theme a try.

Here’s my digital business card theme or Social Web Profile Aggregation Site as I like to call it at 🙂
Wayne Sutton Social Networking Business Card - Profiles

Corvida has one at:
Digital Business Card - Socialize

Jeff Cohen has one at:
Jeffrey L. Cohen || Digital Business Card - Profiles

I want to say thanks to Tim for inspiring the idea and to John for creating the WordPress theme.

Do you have a similar website and what are you thoughts on the future social web identity verification?