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LiveStream launches custom interactive events with Facebook & Twitter similar to uStream

LiveStream’s new service features:

  • Fully branded user experience on your website, syndication partners website, and Facebook.
  • Viral At The Core – Through chat, your viewers promote links to your live event and destinations using Twitter and Facebook status updates.
  • Social At The Core – Watch within Facebook, build followers for your Twitter profile and Facebook pages/applications.
  • Scalable – The Livestream Platform can handle hundreds of thousands of simultaneous viewers.

Livestream - Customized Live Interactive Event Fully Integrated with Twitter and Facebook

More info:

Here’s a screen shot from Ustream’s Facebook live event page.

Ustream’s service features:

  • Ability to customize headers and banners
  • Live interactive video to promote upcoming projects and engage fans
  • Ability to chat with millions of fans simultaneously
  • Facebook live stream box allows fans to communicate with their favorite brands and artists and to spread their comments virally among friends

Ustream on Facebook: for brands, artists who want to go LIVE, interact with fans. Live streaming video Facebook Application, chat software app and script.

More info:

Both services seems to target bands and artist who want to broadcast live and interact with fans on Facebook and Twitter. While I think this is a great idea and plug for both platforms including Facebook. My question is why host a live video on Facebook when you can host the event on your main website? But I do get the simplicity factor since bands, artist  and people spend so much time on Facebook, so just add the ability to host a live video show directly from a fanpage. hmmm

Has anyone used either one of the services from within FaceBook and you’re not a in a band or a music artist? If so how was your experience?