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2013 Venture Capital Financing and Exit Annual Report via CB Insights

In 2013, venture capital financing hit $29.2 billion across 3354 deals. Behind the continued surge in early-stage seed venture capital deals, 2013 marked the fifth straight year of record venture capital deal levels. On the funding front, venture capital funding levels increased in each successive quarter in 2013 and hit $8 billion in Q4 2013 across 849 deals – the highest quarterly funding mark since Q2’12 and a sign of potentially growing confidence throughout the venture ecosystem. Compared to 2012 and 2011, 2013 saw venture capital deals rise 3% and 9%. Funding increased 3% from 2012 but did not top 2011’s post-recession high of $30.8 billion.


End of Year Sees Surge of VC Funding

On a monthly basis, venture capital deals in 2013 topped those in 2012 in all but 4 months. October ’13 was the highest month for venture deals over the past year at 317 deals. As with deal levels, October ‘13 was the strongest month for VC funding behind mega tech deals to companies including MongoDB and Pinterest.

via 2013 Venture Capital Financing and Exit Annual Report.