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What’s new with TriOut and the Robert Scoble SXSW video interview with a sneak peak at TriOut v3

Originally posted on TriOut’s blog
How time flies in the location space. Just one year ago, Lawrence Ingram and myself held a TriOut launch party at the Research Triangle Park HQ and launched At the launch party we announced our first hyper local check in deals contest. Since then a lot has changed. TriOut has added a sales manager Gregg Morris and anther iPhone developer, Josh Johnson.

Over the past year, team TriOut had an amazing opportunity to participate at various location based conference such as geom with some of the other location-based services like foursquare, gowalla and scvanger and at blogworld 2010 we launch version two of our iPhone app. With version two of our app we decided to open up TriOut for anyone to use in the world but still remain a hyper local focus. We also launched an API and a HTML5 version of TriOut.

In the first year of TriOut we have learned a lot and watch as the entire location space has evolved and continues to grow. One opportunity that opened to us was to make TriOut a white label platform in which we could build geo based mobile apps using the TriOut api for businesses, brands, universities and more. This led us to a conversation with NC State University to build a location-based social network for the school called “OnCampus”. We’ll have more news about OnCampus and how other schools can have their own location-based social network soon.

During SXSW 2011, I caught up with Robert Scoble for an update on TriOut and showed him a demo of OnCampus along with a sneak peak at TriOut version three iPhone app in the works. Take a look.

Thanks for the support, especially the local Triangle, NC community. We’re excited about the future of TriOut!