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What Do You Do When You Are Running Out Of Time? Take Action — 2018 Theme

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My life has changed tremendously the last 30 days. In order; I came out about my struggle with depression, co-hosted my first tech event outside of the US with Tech Inclusion London. Melinda and traveled the UK (London, Manchester, Bath, Edinburgh Scotland,) for three weeks. I experienced Hamilton West End. Then Melinda and I got married. I have yet to grasp each experience fully. But I can say that each experience has affected my mindset to review life differently.

As another year embarks our world, the time comes again to set goals and outcomes that will lead to a better life. In previous years I’ve used theme words like focus, consistent and writing to guide me for the next 365 days. Reflecting on my last 30 days and blasting “Non-Stop” from the “This Is: Hamilton” soundtrack my word and theme for 2018 is “Take Action”.

If 2017 taught me anything and that last 30 days reminded me is that you can swim a black hole of emotions or walk through a rainbow of happiness and what actions you’re going to take next will determine which environment you choose to continue to experience or which environment you are going to create next. Never forget that. You are in control. Take action.

Have a very actionable 2018.

Happy New Year!

Photo via nappy