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Weekend Read: 13 Articles For Entrepreneurs To Kick Start Your Success in 2016

startup 2016

For entrepreneurs the beginning of the year can mean you’re off to the races with launching your new product, feature or back on the grind of fundraising.  It didn’t take 2016 long for a new app to launch to send everyone in a name grab, get more followers frenzy with Peach(waynesutton) in week one. The blogs were back, with tech press covering CES and diversity and inclusion thought leaders continue to push for change.

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Here’s a collection of articles for entrepreneurs to read from week one of 2016 to  kick start your success.

  1. A Guide to Seed Fundraising – The Macro – YCombinator
  2. Every Resource You Need to Launch a Startup in 2016 – Founder Institute
  3. The 30 Best Pieces of Advice for Entrepreneurs in 2015 – FirstRound
  4. THE NEXT America Research –
  5. The New & Diverse Leaders of Technology –
  6. Why The Force Will Be With Women Entrepreneurs In 2016 – Forbes
  7. Paving The Way For Women In Science And Tech – TechCrunch
  8. Startup Funding Fell off a Cliff Last Quarter
  9. 5 Signs During The First Week of 2016 Our Work In Diversity In Tech Is Working – Wayne Sutton
  10. Female Founders: The State Of The Union – TechCrunch
  11. The 25 Essential Books for Every Entrepreneur’s Library –
  12. 2016 Technology Predictions and Why They Matter For Entrepreneurs – Wayne Sutton
  13. Tech Portrait Project — Call For Subjects – Helena Price