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Video blogging made easy with updated BlogPress iPhone 3Gs app

I’m sure crowded by all the other Apple / iPhone / iTunes 9 / Steve Jobs news today lost in the noise was a tiny update from BlogPress iPhone blogging app. So what’s the big news? Well you guested it by the post title but here you go. BlogPress now supports video uploading to YouTube directly from the app. For you video bloggers out there that means you can record a video and post it on your blog without trying to copy and past code from YouTube or any other web video hosting service.

It’s easy to setup too. Just go to settings in BlogPress and add your blog.

Next go to settings and add your YouTube profile and your all set.

Here’s a test video using only BlogPress to upload to YouTube and post.

I’m not sure if or when other blogging apps will support video but I hope so (they may already). I’m looking at you WordPress for iPhone. Either way good job BlogPress, thanks for adding a much wanted feature, at least for me. 🙂

Have you tried video blogging from your iPhone before?

Update: When sending video to YouTube, you have to wait for it to encode before it shows up on your blog.

— Posted from my iPhone