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Tuesday on Talk Social News: Live video streaming and promoting your broadcast.

For those of you who don’t know, Monday thru Friday, Kipp Bodnar and I record a daily video/audio podcast called Talk Social News. We started off as a weekly podcast around September of 2008 where we would interview leaders in online technology and social media. We have interviewed people such as Louis Gray, Martin May, Allen Stern, and Peter Shankman and went on to record a daily podcast from SXSW 09. After SXSW we decided to make the transition from a weekly podcast to a daily video show lasting around 10 minutes each, still providing an audio mp3 file to listen to. Since we have moved to the daily video format Kipp and I have recorded over 61 daily video podcast on Talk Social News.

Today on Talk Social News podcast, Kipp and I discuss something I’m very passionate about, real-time live video streaming. (WayneSutton.TV coming soon) We mostly talked about desktop live video streaming services like and livestream and ways to promote your live broadcast using social media / social networking sites. Take a look at the today’s show and let me know what you think.

We’re also looking for sponsors / advertisers, if you’re interested send us an email at

Also see: What equipment do I use for recording video & live streaming and My 4 favorite WordPress Video Blogging Themes

What live streaming video site do you use? Do you watch or create live video shows?