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Talk Social News #18 Allen Stern of & CloudContacts. TechFuga, embargo & macworld

Happy New Year everyone, we’re a little late but Talk Social News returns with an exciting interview with All Stern of & CloudContacts. Allen was gracious enough to do a second interview with us and it’s just as good as the first one. Allen is an entrepreneur, blogger, consultant and his blog was recently listed as one of the top 6 blogs to read for information on social media. For more information about Allen & CenterNetworks.comhere.

The interview: Talk Social News Episode 18 – length 57:12 download or click to play:[audio:Talksocialnews-0018centernetworks.mp3] Subscribe to podcast in iTunes: talk social news itunes subscribe

Other segments of the podcast:

The what to blog:


New tech news site:

In the fail of the week:

techcrunch embargo

Michael Arrington / TechCrunch on Death To The Embargo

News of the Week:
Steve Jobs Health and MacWorld rumors

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Thanks for listening!