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TriOut For Business explained. A location-based dashboard with messaging. By @LawPower

We are about to release some really exciting updates to TriOut for Business. The beta has been a great success and we have gotten feedback from those businesses that participated resulting in a number of enhancements and new features that add even more value for TriOut customers, both businesses and individuals. We will be sharing the details on the various plans with you over the coming weeks, along with some videos that show you how to use the service to enhance your sales and marketing efforts. If your business is not already listed in TriOut, please contact us and we’ll be happy to assist you.

We’ve talked a little bit before about some of the features of TfB; visitor statistics, special offers, etc. With the release of TriOut 1.4 for the iPhone we’re adding two new options for businesses to get involved; welcome messages and visitor messaging. Because this involves users directly, we want to be really open about what businesses can do and how users can control their experience with businesses.

Welcome messaging is pretty straight forward. If a business has a welcome message enabled, any user will see it on their first check in. The message could range from a simple “Thanks for visiting us” all the way up to special offers and coupons. It’s all up to the business to decide how to best use this feature.

Businesses also will be able to send messages to users who have checked in at their location. This could be a coupon or special offer, an invitation to an upcoming event, anything they like. I know this could sound a little invasive to the users, so here’s the rules we set up to keep everyone happy:

– Businesses can send no more than two messages a month and only to users who have checked in at their location.
– Messages are sent anonymously to all visitors, there’s no way to send a message just to a single user.
– Users have the option to receive these messages by push or by email, but by default they’ll just be seen when you log into your TriOut account.

We think this is a very good balance between providing businesses a valuable service while keeping users happy and respecting their privacy. Remember too, this is just the beginning. We’ll be listening to your feedback and making improvements that reflect those.