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The Location based Services SEO blogging game: google latitude vs foursquare vs whrrl vs brightkite vs mytown vs gowalla vs loopt

By now I’m sure you’re aware of the many location based services available. A few of the popular ones are Google Latitude, Foursquare, Brightkite, Whrrl, Gowalla, Loopt, and MyTown. Locally in NC we have TriOut. In January 2010 I conducted a poll asking users to vote for their favorite location based services application with Foursquare leading the way out of 17 different location based applications. Since then I believe there have been at least 7-10 new platforms launched.

Yesterday while doing some SEO keyword testing as any decent blogger would I decided to compare location based services to see which platform leads in term of keyword searches results. I decided to keep the list to what many would call the top 7 location based services: Here are seven keyword terms I used and their search results:

Keyword – Global Monthly Searches

  • Foursquare – 450,000
  • Google Latitude – 368,000
  • Loopt – 246,000
  • Gowalla – 40,500
  • Mytown – 27,100
  • Brightkite – 22,000
  • Whrrl – 4,400

What does this mean? I don’t have the defiant answer but here are my thoughts:

  • Foursquare’s popularity is growing like crazy!
  • More blogs are blogging about Foursquare because they know people are searching for information on Foursquare
  • While Google Latitude may not be a hot topic yet people are searching about it
  • Loopt results could vary but from a location based app stand point they’re still relevant being the first location based service to launch
  • As for the rest of the location-based apps, some may not have keyword search results like Foursquare but they’re still growing despite not being blogging about or search for as much as the others.

What are you thoughts on the keyword search results and if you’re blogging about location-based services will this data effect your upcoming post?