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The Growing Impact of Social Media #Infographic

Morrison & Foerster’s popular Socially Aware Blog is out this week with a thought-provoking infographic that delves into Americans’ increasing obsession with social media, along with their increasingly fractured attention spans.

The amount of time the average person spent monthly on social networking more than doubled between 2006 and 2011 – from 2.7 hours to 6.9 hours

More than half of TV viewers are multi-tasking in front of the tube: 61% of viewers surf the Internet while watching TV; 29% use Facebook while in front of the TV

Social media now accounts for 18% of time spent online

The fastest growing segments of social networking users are men of all ages and people over 55 years old – both groups grew by more than 9% between July 2010 and October 2011.

Facebook is the undisputed leader among social networking sites: Visitors spend an average of 6.75 hours on the site each month – nearly twice the amount of time spent on Tumblr, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn, and GooglePlus combined.

The percentage of Americans who have a social-networking profile has more than doubled in recent years – from 24% in 2008 to 56% in 2012.