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Technorati covers the #28daysofdiversity project via Don Martelli @bigguyd

#28DaysofDiversity with Wayne Sutton - Technorati Lifestyle

When I started the #28daysofdiversity project I really didn’t know how well my peers and others would receive the project or if it would gather any attention outside of the targeted demographic. But thanks to Twitter & Tim Lavallee @timlav others found out about the project and today it was featured in the LifeStyle Section on Technorati. Tim introduced me to Don Martelli @bigguyd who’s a former journalist for the Boston Globe, serves as the vice president for MS&L a PR firm in Boston and works as a an editor for Technorati.  Don interviewed me about the #28daysofdiversity project and asked a few questions such as what is the project’s goal, where did the project’s originate from and what have I learned from it. Check out an excerpt below.

#28DaysofDiversity with Wayne Sutton - Technorati Lifestyle

So far, #28DaysofDiversity has featured an impressive line-up, including, among others: Tristan Walker of Foursquare; Gwen Peake of Ford; Jessica Faye Carter founder and CEO of Nette Media; and, Amani Channel, an award-winning video producer, and specializes in traditional and new media.

“Overall the experience has helped me get to know these people personally and not just as a person I interact with online,” Sutton said. “We [society] don’t stay connected enough. We don’t talk enough. Building relationships is very important and in talking to these talented people, it has helped me learn a lot about them and about myself for that matter.”

To read the rest of the article you can find it online here:

Home - donMARTELLI
A big thanks to Don Martelli and Technorati for the interview and to Tim Lavelle for the introduction.

I have been interviewed by another online publication about the project too. As soon as it’s online I’ll let you know. Thanks to everyone for their feedback and support. You can see 13 out of the 28 here: