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#startupschool notes: Ron Conway, Partner, SV Angel


40% of there startups they have invested in fail
At SV Angel they care about the people first
Social apps are changing the way people think
Mark Zuckerberg had great confidence not arrogance
The founders who keep changing product until it explodes are unsung heroes
A lot of entrepreneurs are type A and aggressive
Founders like Zuck and Ben from Pinterest didn’t care about the outside world they just cared about building a great product. Those founders end up having big users.
A lot of hard problems that Ron Conway has help with have been with funding or M&A
Biggest mistakes founders with fundraising: the founders are not focusing enough on the founders who add the most value.
Keep the process moving quickly and get one term sheet ASAP
Once you get a yes from an investor, get an email that is confirming the investor.
Product focus is a important quality of founders.
In the last five years SV Angel have has more focus on product founders.
Hire fast and fire fast
When Ron talks to entrepreneurs he thinks, can this person manage 1000 people
The climate for starting a company is easier today than years ago
Mobile first
Companies are moving to cities,
The world have shifted from algorithm IP to user interface IP