Scroll Top – the best way for early adopters to find, follow, and recommend startups! - the best way for early adopters find, follow, and recommend startups!

As an early adopter one thing I love is finding out about new startups and online tools, platforms, etc. Over years you could rely on RSS feeds, tech blogs, email list, sites like hacker news and then twitter to find out about the new startups being launched but sadly now their’s just to much noise. Along with noise there’s a lot of politics involved about which startups get covered too.  I’ve seen a lot of sites come and go over the years to help keep geeks, technology journalist, entrepreneurs and venture capitalist up-to-date about new startups but I think we have a winner in @thestartuplist is founded by Eric Ingram, curated by Nick Frost and not only works to help you find the latest startups but also serves as a platfrom to help founders promote their startup, provide startup news and connect other like minded people in the startup space. Joining is simple:

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via • Find. Follow. Recommend startups.

I submitted gokit on it was simple, take a look. I’m going to add TriOut next.

 gokit on startup list

If the big tech blogs won’t cover your startup or you’re looking for more startup press/media/promotion I recommend giving a try!

Disclosure this is not a sponsored post.

Other than what sites do you use to promote your startup