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Two NC Startups partner to offer location-based check-in contest: @TriOut and @Shoeboxed

It’s good to see local startups working together! Originally posted on TriOut’s blog

Since we launched back in February one of our goals has been to work with local businesses to offer a check-in learderboard contest each month. Previous contest have included working with Empire Eats, Arrichion Hot Yoga , Golden Corral and today we’re excited to announce that TriOut has partner with the Durham startup Shoeboxed for a top 5 check-in leaderboard contest.

“Shoeboxed is the easiest way to get rid of your paper clutter. Send receipts, business cards, and other documents to them in postage paid envelopes or via mobile phone and Shoeboxed will scan, data enter, categorize, and upload everything into your secure online account. Download expense reports, PDFs, or enjoy unlimited organized online storage at no extra charge.

For the Shoeboxed top 5 check-in learderboad contest, the top 5 TriOut users for the week of July 19 – July 25 will win a 60 day free Classic trial Shoeboxed account and a Shoeboxed T-Shirt. The winners will be announced on Monday, July 26 via the @TriOut twitter account.

The Leaderboard is based on our check-in points systems and you can earn extra points for checking in at locations with specials. You can see all of the locations with specials here: For more information about the TriOut points system read: TriOut Points System.
You earn more points the following ways:
5 points for each check-in per location, per day.
3 points for each photo.
3 points for each review.
10 points for checking into an event.
10 points for checking into a location with a special.

We’re excited to be working with the Shoeboxed team and would like to congratulate them on their continued success as a NC Startup. You can find more about Shoeboxed and connect with the company via their online profiles below:

Phone: (888) 369 4269 |

Good luck to everyone and thanks for using TriOut. We’re working with other local businesses to provide more sponsored leaderboard contests in the future. If you’re interested in sponsoring a TriOut leaderboard contest please email wayne at TriOutNC dot com or call 919-200-0933.