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18 social web and technology related trends that will shape 2010


The new year is approaching, and we’re already starting to see blog posts looking back at the big trends in 2009 and posts predicting what will be big in 2010. David Armano recently wrote Six Social Media Trends For 2010, and you should read it.  As we move forward into 2010, and social media continues to mature, this won’t be the only  hot topic from 2009 that everyone will be blogging and tweeting about in 2010.  I’m no psychic, but here are a few trends and concepts that I think we’ll see maturing and growing in popularity in 2010:

  1. Real-Time Search will become uniform and standardized:
    Mainstream media will discover and use sites such as Cliqset, Collecta, Topsy, and LazzyFeed. These sites and others will create partnerships with other established web properties.
  2. There will be a rise in social media monitoring and measuring platforms
  3. More apps will think “local”:
    As Twitter works on its GEO API, and as TriOut, Whrll, Brightkite, Foursquare, Gowalla and Loopt battle for mobile location based app supremacy, Google is quietly making Google Latitude more useful. I think we’ll see a lot of web and mobile apps implement location based services.
  4. The return of video:
    Video ads are taking off, after ayear of being pushed to the back corner by tweets and status updates. Video content and online video aggregation sites such as Boxee, Jinni and Clicker will be huge (see number 9).
  5. Traditional Media will continue to struggle:
    Here’s my two cents on this – I wish traditional media would focus more on building trust and value and stop trying to be first. Traditional media should realize that news comes from people; not the other way around
  6. Smart Brands will become more creative, but they will continue to fail to listen to their customers until it’s too late
  7. Google vs. Twitter vs. Facebook:
    Will someone just buy the one in the middle?
  8. Twitter will start making money
  9. iPhone/Apple “iTablet” vs Everyone:
    The iPhone 4th Generation will be nice, but when Apple releases the iTablet, it will be an ebook reader and video device that will change the game for everyone, allowing people to have mobile video chat, and the ability to create and watch videos on the go.
  10. Hardware will become more social:
    We’ll see more TVs, gaming platforms, and cars with social capabilities. Example: a weight scale that tweets…but why?
  11. Mobile Providers will provide us with faster data speeds:
    We want 4G and we want it now.
  12. Content/People/Information filtering becomes easier:
    As with Twitter List and Facebook friend groups, we’ll start filtering how we intake information from our networks.
  13. There will be more tech/social media conferences than you can blink at:
    But you should attend this one.
  14. Augmented Reality will be the social media of 2009:
    I think augmented reality will really start to grow in 2011.
  15. Conversation tools will remain the same:
    If you look at it, we have email, tweets, instant messenger, sms and various inboxes on social networks. Google Wave is a year or two off, and various platforms will launch to mash up the conversation channels like Gist. But in the end, most will stick to Outlook and web based email, such as Gmail.
  16. The Google social networking puzzle will be solved:
    Google has Google Reader, Wave, Chat, Gmail, Latitude and their OS. Put it all together and you have one powerful social network.
  17. Blogs will continue to grow.
    RSS is not dead.
  18. We’ll focus less on social media and more on doing business on the social web.
    Show me the ROI and stop playing games.