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Where did October go? Traveling, speaking, panels & conferences, oh my! Speaking in 2010?

If you walk in local malls in the Raleigh, NC you’ll already see Christmas decorations and I’m like where did October go and it’s not even Thanksgiving yet. But seriously where October go? Here’s a list of events I participated in the month of October and beginning of November. It’s like a flash to me.

Pop17 and Wayne Sutton on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Photo credit:RealTimJones
October 1- 4 – IzeaFest, social media and marketing conference,  as a panel moderator
October 7 – Triangle Social Media Club as co-organizer
Blogworld 2009 on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Photo credit should read: (cc) Cameron Gawley –
October 14- 20 – BlogWorld, Panels: Social Media, the bad and the ugly and use blogs to reach a multicultural audience panels ( I stayed in Vegas way to long)

Wayne Sutton at Triangle Tweetup on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Photo Credit: Digital Papercuts
October 22 – NC State Fair Deep Fried Triangle State Fair Tweetup – attendee & consultant

@WayneSutton on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Photo Credit: eldebe™’s images

October 23 – The Social Media Business Forum

@waynesutton right back at you. My view of you. on Twitpic
Photo credit:  lance

November 4 – Internet Summit – Online Video Panel
Facebook | Photos of You
Photo credit: david.patterson
November 5 – Raleigh Real Estate BarCamp – Personal Branding and Social Media Tools Panel

To say the last thirty days have been busy is an understatement between traveling, speaking and all the same time managing projects, it’s good to have awesome friends and partners such as Jeff Cohen, Kipp Bodnar and Ryan Boyles. Thanks guys.

As we begin to wrap up 2009 and plan for 2010, I’m already schedule to speak at Social Fresh in Nashville, TN on January 11. I’m excited about 2010 and I know it’s going to be a great year but as I Gary Vaynerchuk says if you want to be successful you have to work your butt off!

Need a conference speaker for 2010? Email me info at socialwayne dot com

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